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Farm Walk Thru + Garden Design Plan Consult

Farm Walk Thru + Garden Design Plan Consult

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Product Description

A consultation, walk-through and design for your regenerative farm.  Includes:

1: Initial Consultation (30-45 min) A 30-45 min walk through of your property to envision your goals for your growing space and to identify potential sites for your garden. 

2: Site Analysis and Getting Started: An depth site analysis and assessment of potential growing spaces.  We will have a basic water test, a determination of your garden orientation and best recommendations for your landscape. We will demonstrate how to do soil samples, identify current plant species that may have an impact on your garden decisions, and help you further define your goals and vision for your garden.  

Includes a short report to restate your goals and vision, include my observations and basic recommendations, soil building instructions, and some resources for you to explore. We also help you maximize the most potential for your space. 

*Every individual's site and needs are different. Based on past experience, in addition to 1-2 hours to write a customized report for you and gather resources, I estimate an hour or two for the site visit and 2-4 hours for additional site visits or consulting time via zoom, text or phone to discuss plant selection and their care requirements and to answer any questions you might have.  

This may be all you need or want to get started.  If you want further help with your garden design, we can continue to Step 3.  The additional rates will be dependent on size, complexity and level of need.  I will provide an estimate after the initial consultation. ​

Step 3: Garden Design Plan  

We generate your garden design.  We can either give you the tools and information you need to sketch the design yourself and give you feedback or we can sketch the design for you based on our conversations to date. We will send videos and articles to help support you in the garden design and plant selection process. The design will include recommended plants (exact locations, spacing & quantities, planting plan/times, maintenance instructions), soil building maintenance instructions, and instructions on how to build and maintain your own vermicomposting bin. 

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